High Capacity 9Cell Smart DELL Studio 1745 1747 1749 Series Notebook Battery

Published on by wefwff

Smart Battery Workshop software Frequently Asked Questions:
1 How do I read the battery data?
You need to connect with the appropriate adapter on the SCL, SDA and GND pins to the battery on the SCL, SDA and GND pins. Then press the "Read" button, the battery must be connected, if you want to assemble the battery, the battery must be initialized. Initialization of the way the 85WH DELL Studio 1745 Battery with a DC power supply connected to the battery positive and negative (voltage of about 9V).
2, SCL, SDA and GND of the battery located?
A. different battery from the different interfaces, so the best way to find a pilot, the battery and adapter GND connection is good, then try a different combination of SCL and SDA pins arranged. SCL and SDA pins are generally contiguous. The test takes about 5 minutes of work. But do not put the battery positive and the adapter connected. Other contacts are safe, but please remember that not all of the battery support smart battery system.
3, "reset battery" mean?
A. This means that the battery will clear the old data and then write a lot of the right to use the factory parameters. For example, the charge and discharge times to zero, the full capacity to meet the design capacity, so that production data is equal to the actual data, remove permanent marker error (error flag) and so on. These changes are only made through the Smart Battery Workshop of a button.
4, how to reset the DELL Studio 1747 Battery?
Reset the battery is actually reset EEPROM chip because EEPROM data is stored where the battery is not welding, the connection to the adapter EEPROM chip (demo version of the archive inside the GIF image below), select the "Chipset" and then press the "Reset EEPROM "key, you can assemble the battery.

At present the formal multi-vendor Sanyo, Samsung, Toshiba, LG, BAK and other brands of batteries. Storage batteries and must be tested for its index, indexes were within 2% to match the composition of batteries in series or parallel circuit, otherwise, as an indicator of batteries and other batteries are quite different in the battery charge the performance of the discharge process for the battery will not charge or discharge of success, and this alone has been over-charging or batteries discharge, resulting in the battery pack is not working properly, the difference in the long term the larger 11.1V DELL Studio 1749 Battery over charging or discharging , the possible leakage or explosion.

Published on Laptop Battery FAQ

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